Friday, December 7, 2012

Wait, what?

According to one report, it would take 800 joints to kill a person—but the cause of death would be carbon monoxide poisoning.
(Booth, Martin. 2003. Cannabis: A History. London, England: Doubleday)

Monday, December 3, 2012

Fair Trade, Anyone?

Imagine that there is a fair trade system for the production and sale of marijuana. Is it hard?

Afghan farmers have for centuries grown cannabis, in order to produce hashish.
Read carefully now;
The farmers are currently being paid around 200 dollars per kilo they produce, while the end consumer pays about 16,000 dollars per kilo. Why? 98% of the profit goes mainly to organised criminals and corrupt politicians, who dominate the international trade for this product.

Why fair trade then?
With a fair trade system a farmer could be paid about 4,000 dollars per kilo, instead of 200 dollars. The end consumer could then pay about 8,000 dollars. If this business would be legalised and properly organised it would allow a larger proportion of the income that is generated to remain in the developing countries producing the marijuana. It would then be invested in vital factors for development, such as schools, hospitals and infrastructure.

Currently is opium and coca main crops produced in developing countries due to it gives a higher salary. The highly dangerous drugs made from these crops have enriched warlords, organised criminals, politicians and even fund terrorism. A fair price for hashish would allow farmers to generate a liveable income by growing Cannabis on a small part of their land while still producing food for themselves.
Cannabis is then a better option and better crop in every way:
To the land, to the farmers and to the end consumer.

So, smoke pot?

Source - Hash Marihuana & Hemp Museum - Amsterdam: Booklet 


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Public people and Psychoactive substances

People are not going to give up on their source of inspiration. Let us just acknowledge that fact.
Why get rid of people's inspiration and desire to be the best they can be? The keyword is responsibility, for whatever you take, for yourself and for the people around you.

More and more acknowledge their relation to 'illegal' drugs. Is there a reason for it? Or did we just grow tired of pretending it's something that it's not?
The list of public people that have tried and enjoyed psychoactive substances is endless.

Get More: Music News

"See I think drugs have done some good things for us, I really do, and if you don’t believe drugs have done good things for us, do me a favor: go home tonight and take all your albums, all your tapes, and all your cds and burn ‘em. ’cause you know the musicians who made all that great music that’s enhanced your lives throughout the years.... rrrrrrrrreal f**kin high on drugs."


Congratulations Colorado & Washington! Less innocent people in prison, pure and clear marijuana sold by the government - a BIG amount of money from the taxes to the government, no money to the street dealers! Success!

Was it REALLY that bad?

Friday, November 30, 2012


Hi, welcome to the authentic blog about psychoactive substances. In this blog I will publish news about such substances, how harmful they are and some properties based on my personal experiences.

So you probably wonder, what is the purpose of this blog? Well, the main purpose is to get some attention and hopefully change the way you imagine various drugs. Sprinkle a little truth on the whole nightmare picture.

You probably have heard that "drugs are bad for you", "don't do drugs", "say no to drugs" ..and so on. I've heard it too.
But have you ever wondered, why? or how? That's how it raised my interest within this subject. Why is it bad for you? How come it is not legal? What is it and what does it do to you?
I never got any detailed information about this, so I started on the internet obviously ;)

I have been listening to reggae, rap etc. and I've heard lyrics about smoking. At the age of 15, I started looking for information about cannabis. I found out that there are different strains of weed and that there was something called hash which also is weed, just pressed together, basically.
I also found information about medical marijuana! In connection to this I stumbled upon deaths caused by marijuana, and how many were there? ZERO, 0, nada. Nobody has ever managed to overdose cannabis.
In reaction to some continuous research I thought "Hey! Maybe this is not so bad after all?"
Rapers I listen to smoke weed and it is legal in the Netherlands too, for some reason obviously (now decriminalized also in Portugal, Spain, Czech Republic, Belguim, Schweiz and some states in USA).

I had tried alcohol and cigarettes before so I thought, hey why couldn't I try weed? At that time I managed to get some hash. It didn't really work the first time, actually, so I was like "What's the big deal about this whole thing being illegal and such taboo?"

That's how my research on drugs started...

Source: Tumblr